The Life and Time of William Sand Mueller

My name is Arena Marsh Mueller. I was named after my father, William Sand Mueller, who goes by Sand. Arena means Sand in Spanish. My mother's name is Marsha, so I really have parts of both of their names in mine. Once, when I was young and collecting autographs from everyone in my life, a family friend wrote: Arena~From Sand and Marsh your name has come. And as you live in the grist mill of life, may the bread you eat be one of happiness. A perfect inscription in my Care Bear Autograph book. The sentiment even captures the origin of our family surname. Mueller meaning miller in German. Anyway, my dad and I have decided to collaborate on this project which will outline .... his life and times. I am interested in setting down history for our family. My dad is interested in having many of his unique experiences, perspectives and evolution known and preserved. He is seventy-three, recently moved into a tiny home...